WHEN her debut Young Adult (YA) novel, The Weight Of Our Sky (published by Salaam Reads, an imprint of Simon & Shuster in Feb 2019), was released, Hanna Alkaf, 34, became one of the most talked about new authors in the country. The Weight Of Our Sky is a brilliant story set during the racial riots of May 13, 1969, as seen through the eyes of a teenager who believed the voice in her head came from a djinn. Hanna had previously written short stories for anthologies such as Champion Fellas (her story, The Tryouts , won the inaugural DK Dutt Award for Literary Excellence), Chronicles Of KK (her short story was titled Hunted ) and in Little Basket (her short story was titled Pantang ). Next year we can look forward to The Girl & The Ghost (HarperCollin, Aug 4, 2020), about Suraya who receives a ghostly companion called pelesit, from her grandmother, a witch. She names the creature Pink, and they become inseparable. However, Suraya is unaware that Pink has a dark side. Ha...